Last night Ethan and Dad carved Ethan's first jack-o-lantern! Ethan had a blast...it was a great family experience! (It was also the first pumpkin Dad had ever carved by himself!) Tonight was trick-or-treating! Ethan and Dad visited about 8 houses and everyone thought he was very cute!

Ewwww! Check out all of that gooey stuff!

Are my hands dirty?

After all of the guts were cleaned out, Ethan really enjoyed scooping the pumpkin. He tried to put it all back in!

Our finished product!

Ethan playing with the pumpkin guts. Notice he is using a spoon, not his hands...he doesn't like his hands to be messy!

Not too happy about the whole costume thing.
Heading out with Dad!
The cutest shark ever!

Checking out my goodies. Maybe this whole trick-or-treating things isn't so bad after all!

By the end of the night, Ethan had figured out the whole candy thing and had confiscated our candy basket. He wasn't happy when he had to give it up so we could hand it out to other kids!
1 comment:
Are we going to be deprived of birthday photos?
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