Wednesday, June 30, 2010

4 Months (and 12 days) Old

So, I started writing this post two weeks ago. My how time flies! Obviously, I don't get around to blogging as often as everyone would like, but it is probably because I have my hands full these days!

Allison is more than 4 months old! It is amazing how quickly they grow up. It is hard to believe how much she has grown and changed in such a short period of time. I think Scott and I have a better appreciation for every baby stage this time around than we did with Ethan. When you are exhausted from not sleeping it seems like it will be FOREVER until they sleep through the night, however when you look back on it it seems like a pretty short period of time. Despite how much I could not wait to sleep (and anyone who really knows me can tell you, I LOVE my sleep) I appreciated the little, cuddly baby stage much more this time around.

Alli is growing by leaps and bounds these days. She very alert and loves to watch everyone, especially big brother. She can roll from her belly to back an we expect her to roll back to belly any day now. She loves to hold and bat at toys and thankfully, sleeps through the night most nights! (As I said, I LOVE my sleep!) She also talks, giggles, and smiles a lot! We had her 4 month appointment today and she weighed in at 12lbs 4 oz and is 23 inches long. That puts her in the 10-25th percentile for both weight an height.

I have posted a bunch of pictures from May and June under the photos link. This is my favorite picture from the last month....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Did you know?

Did you know Honey Nut Cheerios come with a whole grain guarantee? Allison seemed particularly interested in that fact....I think she was drooling over the thought of her first Cheerio!
It won't be long, baby girl!

"I made a big mess!"

Those are five little words which only spell trouble when uttered by a two-year-old. They can strike fear in the heart of any mother.....

Ethan got ahold of the powder at Grandma's house last week. While he looks upset, it wasn't because he made a mess or because he was in was becuase his feet were messy!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wedded Bliss

This post is a little belated, but better late than never! One of my best friends, Rachel, got married here in Indy over Memorial Day weekend. Rachel and I have been friends for 23 years and I was honored to be a bridesmaid. It was a beautiful event and a lot of fun.

The Newlyweds...Rachel was a beautiful bride!

The Girls

Alli was pretty in pink

Ethan sported a blue mouth thanks to his blue raspberry ring pop...which he LOVED!

Alli was all tuckered out after a busy day!

Sunday, June 06, 2010