Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time Flies When You are Having Fun!

Well, it's official...Alli is one-year-old!  It amazing how quickly the past year has gone by and how much has happened during that year.  It's hard to believe that a year ago Scott was still working on his doctorate and had not even interviewed for his position at UIndy yet.  Over the past few days I have really reflected on how many highs and lows the year brought.  Despite all of the sadness we have experienced, I am truly thankful that Scott's mom got to meet her first granddaughter.  I believe that the timing of the births of both Allison and Josh was part of a Greater Plan because the joy they have brought into our lives has helped ease the pain of the entire family.  Peg lives on through her grandchildren.

Here are a few of the pictures from Alli's First Birthday party!  She loved her cake!  You can see more pictures here.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Say "Cheese"!!!

I can hardly believe it but Alli will be 1 year old in 10 days!  Time flies when you are having fun!  The big news is that she is walking!  Not just a few steps at a time, but full fledged walking!  She can even stand herself up without holding onto anything.  I will try to take a video of that and post it soon.  She also has a new "cheese" face.  Everytime we point the camera at her she give us a silly smile!

 She also thinks sitting on Daddy's shoulders and banging on his head is great fun!

Dad got to stay home with us a few extra days last week due to all of the ice!  Ethan really enjoyed having Daddy around...he likes to cuddle with him after his nap!