Last night we were able to keep him in the room for the bulk of the night. He was taken away to be weighed and checked out at the nursery around 11pm and we decided this was our chance to get a little nap time in so they kept him until 1am when it was time to feed him again. We augmented his feeding with formula since he has had some difficulty with feeding and this really seems to perk him up. We've used the formula with a feeding tube that helps Ethan get some nourishment without using a bottle and having him get nipple confusion. He did this for the first time yesterday and then again last night. He took about 30cc of formula last night and then promptly proceeded to spit half of it back up. We kept him here in the room with us and I kept watch over him until his next feeding at 4am so Megan could sleep. After the 4am feeding, I took my turn napping while Megan kept an eye on him.
This morning I made a trip home to check in and make sure that everything was ok. The cats are a little lonely and know something is going on, but it was good to be able to grab a shower and a few home "comfort" items. Megan and Ethan have been feeding every 3 hours and Ethan is doing better. He now weighs 5 pounds, 3oz so he's lost a little which is normal. Hopefully, today he'll continue to eat better and get out of his sleepy mode.
Megan's parents are coming by again today and a few other people have mentioned they will probably come by. Megan is feeling pretty good and is moving around well. We'll probably be able to go home tomorrow provided everything is going well with Ethan. If you want to call or stop by, please do so. Megan and I are both tired and recovering, but happy to have some distractions throughout the day.

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