Have you ever thought of the cold air return as a good place to put grapes? Ethan thinks so... until he can't get them back out!
Friday, January 29, 2010
The count down has begun!
I am officially scheduled to have a c-section on February 18! That is just under three weeks away! Hard to believe that time has gone by so quickly. I have had a few extra ultrasounds this time around to check on baby girls growth, the most recent was this past Monday. So far, everything looks great. She is growing at a steady rate and even has a little hair (not as much as Ethan, but I think big brother set the bar high in that category). The ultrasound tech guessed that she will probably be around 6.5lbs when she is born. Here is a belly pic that we took last night. I have to say that I am ready for this pregnancy to end. I can't complain too much because things have been pretty easy, but I have definetly reached the point that I am ready to be done!
36 Weeks
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Two Peas in Two Pods
Well, I am nearly at 34 weeks. Feb 24 will be here before we know it! Physically, I am about ready to have this baby...but in every other way I am not ready yet! After Christmas I started sorting through clothes and other baby items and today Scott got the carseat out of the attic when he put the Christmas decorations away. We still have some rearranging to do and still need to get Ethan a big boy bed! I am sure he won't be sleeping in it by the time the new baby arrives, but I hope to at least have it set up. As I think pretty much everyone is aware, my sister-in-law, Kristy is due about a week after I am. It has been a lot fun to share the pregnancy experience with her this time around. Last week we took our "belly picture" together when we were up in North Webster.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Christmas 2009
Well, we had a great (and very busy) Christmas this year. Or should I say, last year? Ethan started to get the whole gift unwrapping thing figured out. Although, like a typical 2-year-old he was easily distracted and once he opened one thing that he liked it was tough to get him to open anything else. I am sure that will change by next year!

Ethan helping dad put his new toy together. He is a big helper!
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