Ethan had his two month check-up today. At the last visit about 5 weeks ago, he weighed 5 pounds 11.5 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. Today, he was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long! He gained 2 pounds and 2 inches! He is definetly still small for his age...he doesn't quite make the weight and length charts so he is technically in the 0 percentile. His head circumference puts him in the 5th percentile. However, he is growing well so there is nothing to worry about! Just so you know...I expect him to out grow his newborn outfits that have feet in next couple of weeks.
Ethan also recieved 5 vaccinations...4 injections and one oral. He was not happy about them, but did better than Scott and I expected. He checked out fine on everything else and we go back in two months for his four month check-up.