Friday, November 16, 2007

Welcome to the World...

Well, after a long day, Megan and I would like to welcome Ethan Charles Lawrance to the world. He is a healthy, beautiful baby boy - 5 pounds, 6 oz and 18 in long born on 11/15/07 at 6:54pm.

We woke up yesterday morning both anxious about what was going to happen, but trying to make it through with minimal effort and stress. The nurses at our OB office forgot to tell us that Megan was not supposed to eat after midnight, so Megan had a small breakfast in the morning. Dr. Bantz called about an hour later asking if she had eaten and because she had, we had to push the c-section back to 3pm instead of noon.

We arrived at noon to check in and made our way to the labor/delivery room by 1pm. By 3pm it was pretty clear that Megan was not going to have the baby yet and we ended up waiting and waiting and then waiting some more. Apparently there were 3-4 other babies that needed to go before us which was fine since our's was not an emergency. Megan's parents came and kept us company which was a nice. We finally got to go into the operating room around 6:30pm. Megan had her spinal anesthetia put in and then once that was done, I was able to join her.

The delivery was amazing and I cannot do it justice in words so I won't try. Ethan was born and came out kicking and screaming for the first 20min or so. The nurses took him away for their assessments along with the standard weights and measures. We'll post all the vital statistics in the future. After that, they let me be the first to hold him and while I wanted to be able to pass him onto Megan, it was such a trill to be able to hold my son and meet him for the first time.

After Megan was finished with surgery and everything was done, we moved back into the Labor/Delivery room. After that, once Megan was stable we moved upstairs to our current home on the post-partum floor. Ethan was taken away for a bath and further assessments (hearing, etc) and was supposed to be gone for about 1.5 hours. His blood sugar was borderline so they tried to get him to take some formula to boost this back up and he was having trouble sucking on the bottle. He finally took this, but afterward was very cold from being out of his blankets for so long and they kept him under the warmers for quite awhile. We got him back about 4 hours later (now 1am in the morning!). We kept him for an hour and since we were pretty tired at that point, we took him back to the nursery so we could get some sleep.

We got him back around 5:00am today and have had him since that time with the exception of his exam by Dr. Roscoe (our pediatrician). He is doing well and seems to be very happy and active. Dr. Roscoe has no concerns at this time and right now we are just trying to learn how to handle everything.

He likes to be held and likes to be swaddled and warm. Its great getting the opportunity to meet my son and learn more about him and as I do, we'll be sure to post more thoughts and pictures.


Anonymous said...

He is so precious! I wish I could be there!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your brand new reason to smile - he is perfect!

Ben+Amanda Sheppard said...

Congratulations, he is adorable!!! :)

Kristy Lawrance said...

I really appreciate reading all the details as well as what you parents are feeling. Keep 'em coming.

Aunt Kristy

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I teared up reading this. You guys are going to be the greatest parents!!!
I hope to come by and see you guys.
He's gorgeous and Congratulations!
Steph Weaver