Monday, May 03, 2010

Adding more letters to his alphabet soup....

On Friday, Scott graduated...again!!! (For those keeping score, this is his 4rd graduated degree.) He now gets to add DHS, Doctorate of Health Science, to the alphabet soup which follows his name. (I think it will go something like this...DHS, MSPT, LAT, ATC, CSCS.) He has worked very hard over the last couple of years to complete this degree, but he has really had his nose to the grindstone for the past 7 months. When not working he has spent many, many hours after work and on the weekends completing his research. It has been a long and difficult journey for all 4 of us. We are very proud of him and Ethan, Allison, and I look forward to having him around a little more often in the future! After so many years of paying tuition, I have told him that if he wants to continue to stay in school they need to pay him! So, he has accepted a professorship position at the University of Indianapolis, where he will start in August.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Congratulations! I know it's a relief to have the degree finished.