Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 2

Well, last night was pretty good. The nurses here have been great and especially helpful at night. We've used the nursery each night and the nurses encourage this to help get you a little more sleep. After day 1, we were both exhausted so being able to sleep at least for an hour or two at a time at night was a big bonus last night. Today, Alli was a little fussy in the morning wanting to cluster feed with Megan, but has since been perfect.

The doctor appointments are all going well. Megan is up and around more and more and the docs are happy with her progress. She's able to get in and out of bed by herself fine (just a little slower than normal) and can really do just about anything she needs to. Alli's hospital pediatrician wants to do an echocardiogram to assess a heart murmur, but assures us that this is a normal thing. We're not worried since her oxygen saturation has been in the normal range since she was born. She has a little bit higher than normal bilirubin count, but way below where Ethan was at this point so no worries there. She's lost a little weight, down to 6 pounds, 1 oz so they want to keep an eye on that and make sure she's starting to get that back.

Ethan came by again with Megan's parents. He was very good with Alli and warmed up to Megan and I quicker than he did Thursday. I took him down to the cafeteria for lunch for some father-son time and we had a great time sharing some french fries.

Hopefully with any luck, we'll be released early tomorrow. It seems like this stay in the hospital has gone so much faster than 2 years ago with Ethan.

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