Sunday, December 14, 2008

All grown up!

Ethan had his one year check-up a couple weeks ago. He weighed in at a heafty 21 pounds and 4 ounces and he is 27 3/4 inches long. He is now in the 25th percentile for weight and about the 5th for his length. Still, he has come a long way from when he wasn't even on the charts one year ago! Remember this pic of our little guy lying on the couch? He weighed less than 5 pounds at the time and wasn't much bigger than the remote!

Here is our big boy these days! He won't hold still long enough for us to take a picture of him lying on the couch and as you can see (barely in his right hand) he loves to play with the remote! This picture was taken after we got home from the doctor. They pricked his finger to check his iron levels and then wrapped his hand up like a little boxer to keep it from bleeding everywhere. He didn't like the prick one bit, but after we were home he couldn't have cared less about the bandage!

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